
Sunset in the Sky

#3. Sexual Assault Awareness Month

April is National Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM). 澳门100%最准一肖一码 is focusing on sexual assault prevention and education efforts, showing support for survivors, and educating community members about consent. In honor of SAAM, the Title IX Office, Office of the President, Residence Life, Rainbow Alliance, It鈥檚 On Us, Student Involvement, Civic Engagement, and Women鈥檚 Center of Brevard are partnering together to raise awareness towards a sexual assault on campus.

澳门100%最准一肖一码 is committed to maintaining a community where all individuals employed at the university and students who participate in university programs and activities can work and learn together in an atmosphere free of sexual violence and sexual harassment. Visit the Title IX Policies page for more information.

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