
Campus Building Closeup


If you use a different language within the body of your page such as Spanish, French, Italian, German, Chinese, etc. then the language attribute (lang) would need to be used for that text. This will ensure the screen reader pronounces the word or phrase correctly with the proper accent.

  • lang="es" (Spanish)
  • lang="fr" (French)
  • lang="it" (Italian)
  • lang="de" (German)
  • lang="zh" (Chinese)

Code Examples

Add the lang attribute to an entire paragraph in Spanish:

<p lang=鈥渆s鈥>La bicicleta es roja.</p>

Add the lang attribute to an image with Spanish alt text:

<img src=鈥渋mage.jpg鈥 alt=鈥渦na bicicleta roja鈥 lang=鈥渆s鈥 />

Add the lang attribute to text in the middle of a paragraph:

<p>The title is <span lang=鈥渇r鈥>Le Bon Usage</span>.</p>

Additional Resources