
L3Harris Commons

Advising to Improve Grades

Effective Date Feb 6, 2014

First-year students are contacted by their advisors and notified of their current academic situation if their grades need improving. Any student deficient in one or more courses should be informed so changes can be made.

During the eighth week of each term, instructors of 1000- and 2000-level courses enter all midterm grades (A.B.C.D.F or I) online. During the ninth week, students are alerted and are encouraged to visit their faculty advisor, who also has been alerted.

The advisor should review the student鈥檚 folder before an advising meeting. Each folder should contain placement test scores, course placements and test descriptions, high school and previous college transcripts (or an abstract of relevant information), correspondence, previous grade reports and the student鈥檚 current schedule.

During the advising session, the advisor should:

  • Review the student鈥檚 academic progress. If she/he has a D or F, the options include prompt consultation with pertinent instructor(s), dropping a course before the ninth week, and/or seeking tutoring through the Academic Support Center.
  • Review curriculum requirements and weigh the workload vs. demonstrated capacities.
  • Review the academic regulations with the student, including necessary prerequisites.
  • Review the Student/Faculty Complaint Procedure, if appropriate.
  • Inform the student about personal counseling and academic counseling available at CAPS and the Academic Support Center.
  • Be alert to other contributing factors such as study habits, time management, memory development, personal relationships with peers and/or instructors, knowledge of resources, health, test preparations, money management or other sources of stress. The Academic Support Center can assist in these areas.